The Body Fix Blueprint

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Because No One is Coming to Save You

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Thyroid Function

Hyper vs. Hypo THYROIDism

January 30, 20252 min read

Hyper Vs. Hypo THYROID.. both MISERABLE!


Think of your thyroid as a thermostat.

  • Hyperthyroidism: Overactive thyroid; symptoms include anxiety, insomnia, weight loss.

  • Hypothyroidism: Underactive thyroid; symptoms include fatigue, weight gain, depression.

  • Simple analogy: Like a car engine—too much gas revs it too high, too little and it stalls. Either way you are in trouble.

I doubt you will be surprised that I am going to tell you that regular chiropractic care can improve your Thyroid Function ;P

For instance, a case study published in the Annals of Vertebral Subluxation Research reported on a 61-year-old woman with hypothyroidism who experienced improved thyroid function following chiropractic adjustments. The study suggests that correcting spinal misalignments may reduce nerve interference, potentially benefiting thyroid function.

Another case study detailed the improvement of hypothyroidism in a 50-year-old male patient who decreased his need for synthetic thyroid hormone after receiving chiropractic care. The patient underwent chiropractic adjustments aimed at reducing vertebral subluxations, which are misalignments of the spine that can impede nerve function. Following care, his thyroid function improved, and he required less medication.

Another 52-year-old female presented for chiropractic care with a chief complaint of discomfort in the cervical spine, upper thoracic spine, mid thoracic spine, bilateral knee pain and bilateral hip pain with extensive sitting.  She was previously diagnosed with hypothyroidism by her medical doctor and was prescribed medication to treat this condition. After 9 months of regular, subluxation specific, chiropractic care, the patient reported that blood work indicated she no longer had hypothyroidism and her medical doctor had removed her from all medications.

Yes, these are JUST case studies of individual people whose thyroid function improved with improved spinal health through chiropractic care.

So, you are saying It Is Possible ;)

Yes it is! So if you are suffering from thyroid issues or you are just not FEELING GOOD, then don't you OWE IT TO YOURSELF to MAKE AN APPOINTMENT and see what regular chiropractic care can do for you?!

***Next time we are going to take a Mild Detour to discuss THYROID FUNCTION and the Depression & Anxiety that are associated with Thyroid Dysregulation, especially after COVID & COVID VACCINEs.***

Rebecca Carlson D.C.

Dr. Rebecca Carlson D.C.

Rebecca Carlson D.C.

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