The Body Fix Blueprint

Your Blueprint for Strength & Resilience

Because No One is Coming to Save You

BUT the Hero You Need is Already Inside You

Thyroid Gland

Your Factory Foreman: The THYROID

January 30, 20251 min read

Thyroid Gland:  Your Body's Factory Foreman

Imagine you are in a big factory, standing on the mezzanine looking down across the warehouse floor where there are rows and rows FULL of machines.

The entire factory is humming along in rhythm working perfectly in unison. You can HEAR the hum, you can feel it reverberate through your feet.

You can FEEL the heat rising up from steady flow of efficiency.

This factory is your body.

The Factory Foreman is the THYROID GLAND

& each machine on the warehouse floor, humming right along is one of your body's organs.

Now it is the Foreman's responsibility to ensure that each worker has everything they need to continue to function - in this case that is ENERGY.

When the Factory Foreman is doing his job the entire factory runs efficiently: you feel


focused, and


However, if the Factory Foreman DOES NOT DO HIS JOB, then the system overheats, and you have



alternatively the factory bogs down, and you have


In this 5 part series we are going to discuss:

Hyperthyroidism and Hypothyroidism

How to Support a Healthy Thyroid

Thyroid Supplement Support

Maximizing Thyroid Health in Your Everyday Day

Next time we discuss: Hyperthyroidism and Hypothyroidism!

thyroidthyroid glandendocrine systemstressmetabolismhyperthyroidhypothyroid
Rebecca Carlson D.C.

Dr. Rebecca Carlson D.C.

Rebecca Carlson D.C.

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